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GKJ AMBARAWA: PESPARAWI 2011 : Rabo 9 November 2011. Malam ini sampai pukul 10.30 panitia masih berkutat dengan cek terakhir kesiapan pelaksanaan. semua kebutuhan masing-m...


Rabo 9 November 2011. Malam ini sampai pukul 10.30 panitia masih berkutat dengan cek terakhir kesiapan pelaksanaan. semua kebutuhan masing-masing seksi di sweeping sampai tuntas. dan meskipun sudah tinggal 2 hari lagi ternyata masih banyak kebutuhan yang belum tersiapkan. Kinerja tiap seksi ternyata masih dapat dibilang kedodoran meskipun ada beberapa seksi yang sudah siap betul. ada seksi yang sama sekali belum berjalan dan membuahkan hasil memadai. namun beruntung ada beberapa pertolongan tak terduga yang membantu sehingga kelemahan seksi yang tidak berjalan akhirnya dapat diatasi. Memang waktu dapat dikatakan tinggal 2 hari lagi. namun bisa juga kita katakan masih ada waktu 2 hari. masih banyak waktu. dan waktu yang banyak itu harus kita maksimalkan dengan seefektif mungkin. butuh totalitas. butuh perjuangan. biasanya H-2 dan H-1 menjadi waktu di mana segenap panitia harus berani mengorbankan waktunya untuk keluarga. dan biasanya keluarga juga dapat memaklumi kalau orangtuanya, su

The Church and the Child A biblical /theological reflection

The Church and the Child A biblical /theological reflection By Vinay Samuel Introduction: Much has been said about the “ecclesial deficit” among evangelical, bible believing Christians. Evangelical commitment to evangelism, to leading individuals including children to a personal faith in the Lord Jesus is paramount. In the past forty years, there is also the focus among many committed to evangelism to move ahead and plant churches, that is, worshipping and fellowshipping congregations. However, the main goal of church planting is often described as reproducing more churches like themselves through evangelism. The planted churches are to be primarily evangelistic action groups drawing on a theological conviction that the more unbelievers are made believers the closer the parousia gets. A recent doctoral dissertation at the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies identified how the literature evangelism agency “Every Home Crusade” (EHC) was embarrassed by the spontaneous formation of bel

Children as Signs of the Kingdom of God: a Challenge to Us All

Now and Next Conference                                                                            Nairobi ,March 2011 Children as Signs of the Kingdom of God : a Challenge to Us All Matthew 18: 1-14 Keith J. White 30.01.2011 Introduction How important is the Kingdom of God in Scripture?   It is the very heart of the life and message of Jesus Christ.   If you take the Gospel of Matthew you discover that this was the core message of John the Baptist: “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand”. [1]   According to Matthew Jesus continued this message with exactly the same words: “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand”. [2]   The whole Gospel is saturated with teaching about, and references to, this Kingdom. [3]   When we turn to the second part of Luke’s writings, called the Acts of the Apostles, we read that for the forty days between his resurrection and ascension Jesus spoke about the Kingdom of God . [4]   The first chapter begins with the Kingdom of God , an